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Here's Billie (Magiki) (Millie In French) With Kitty Cat Kitty Cat Starts And Ends As A Toy.
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Show: Magiki
Season/Episode: Season 1, Episode 45
Year: 2017
Writer(s): Cyril Deydier
Director(s)/Editor(s): Dan Klein, Matthieu Rey (Storyboard) Cyril Deydier (Story Editor)
Description: Ah. Magiki! How Can I Remember Watching This Show Since 2017, And Rematching This Show, I Totally Enjoyed This Show Since I First Watched It On YouTube. However, Just Like What Jonathan Rozanski, A.K.A The Mysterious Mr. Enter Said, Good Shows And Cartoons Can Have Bad Episodes, And I Also Have No Idea How Sometimes The Episodes Are Bad, And How Mean Spirited Are, So, Let's Have A Look At One Of Magiki Episode, And That Is Kitty Cat Best Enemy.
So It All Starts Off With Billie And Truman Building A Board With Books, Then Antoinette Steals Truman's Backpack, STOP! The Twins Found Out That He Stoled Billie's Figurines, Who Came Up With That Stupid Imagination. and they call him a thief, and that caused To Upset Billie. Everytime, Every F***ing Time. Next Up It Continues On The Other Side Of The Toy Box. So It's Open Gates Day at the castle. And The Minion Penguins Are Taking Photos Around The Castle Early. Elizabeth Found Out That There's No Schedule About Guests Wondering The Castle. All Because Who's On The Security Of The Gates, I Mean All He Does His Job To Protect The Gate From Strangers. But No The Writers Has Made Elizabeth Find Out That Sir Kitty Cat failed his mission as a Royal Guard. And Result: Sir Kitty Cat Is Fired. STOP! Kitty Cat? Fired? All He's Doing His Job. for Elizabeth, she had enough of him. The kingdom needs a new Royal Guard. Perfekt the pink lion arrives and takes the vacant job. STOP! but he is also a Stupid Pink panda that Bad Barry turned into a lion. You Know Writers, You Really Have To Know What Kitty Cat Is Doing. He's Doing His Job, What I Said. he was sent on a mission by the Twins: he has to make the Open Gates Day the worst day ever. However Sir Kitty Cat Has A Plan To Get Those Witches A Taste Of Their Own Medicine. Putting Pigs Inside The Boxes. That's The Only Plan To Give Twins A Taste Of Their Own Medicine. And That's It! I wanna say, that episode was not worse, it's stupid. Not worst, But Stupid. All Truman, Fiona, And Elizabeth Have Done To Kitty Cat Is Either Evil Or Insane, Is That What The Writers Of This Episode Wanted? I hope not, didn't they know that Kitty Cat Was Doing His Job. And You have to tell him off for it? This episode doesn't need to exist, it is too mean spirited, and plays indicted, for a kids show, Truman, Fiona, And Elizabeth Are Completely Out-Of-Character. Good Thing That Billie Is The Only One Who's A Likeable Character In This Episode. Screw This Episode. All i don't like it is their stupid things from then twins, and kitty cat being unfairly punished.